School meals for children

School meals are an important aspect of children’s development and academic success.
It provides children with the necessary energy and nutrients, promotes physical development
and mental development, helps maintain health and prevents the development of chronic diseases.

Basic principles of school meals

Balance: The school food diet should include all major food groups: grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat and fish. It provides the body with necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Proteins are necessary for muscle growth and development, fats for brain function and hormonal balance, carbohydrates for energy, and vitamins and minerals for overall health.

Diet: It is important that children eat regularly without skipping meals. Regular meals maintain energy levels throughout the day and help avoid hunger pangs that can interfere with concentration and learning. Three main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and two snacks are recommended.

Calories and portions: Calories and portion sizes should be age-appropriate and physiological needs of children. Younger children need smaller portions, while teenagers need more energy to support rapid growth and an active lifestyle. Portions that are too large can lead to overeating and obesity, while portions that are too small can lead to nutrient deficiencies.

Components of healthy school meals

Breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal that provides energy to start the day. It should contain complex carbohydrates, proteins and fiber. Examples of a healthy breakfast include oatmeal with fruit, whole grain bread with an egg, yogurt with nuts and berries.

Lunch: Lunch should include a main course of meat, fish or legumes, a side dish of vegetables or grains, and a fruit or vegetable salad. This provides the body with protein for growth and repair, carbohydrates for energy and vitamins from vegetables and fruits.

Snacks: Healthy snacks help maintain energy levels between main meals and prevent overeating. Healthy snacks include fruit, veggie sticks with hummus, yogurt, nuts, and whole grain crackers.

Specific recommendations

Reducing the intake of sugar and salt: Excessive consumption of sugar and salt can lead to
to the development of such diseases as obesity, diabetes, hypertension. It is important to limit the use of sweets, sweet drinks and salty snacks. Instead, children should be offered water, natural juices and fresh fruits.

Getting enough fluids: Water is the best drink for children. She
does not contain calories and contributes to the proper functioning of the body. Children should drink enough water throughout the day, especially during physical activity. Carbonated and energy drinks should be avoided due to their high sugar and stimulant content.

Organization of school meals

Quality control: The quality of products and ready meals should be monitored regularly. This includes checking the freshness of products, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and storage conditions. Conditions for safe preparation and storage of food must be created in schools.

Educational programs: Educational programs can help raise children’s awareness of the importance of healthy eating. It can be health lessons, cooking workshops, interactive games and competitions. Knowing about proper nutrition will help children make healthy choices in the future.

Cooperation with parents: It is important to involve parents in the process of organizing meals at school. Regular meetings, brochures and other information materials will help parents learn about their children’s diets and receive recommendations for home nutrition. The joint efforts of the school and parents will contribute to the formation of healthy habits in children.

The influence of school meals on the success of studies

Research shows that a healthy diet has a positive effect on children’s cognitive functions, their concentration and learning ability. Children who regularly eat healthy foods perform better academically, are less prone to fatigue and improve their overall academic performance. School meals also affect children’s social adaptation. Shared meals promote socialization, help children establish and strengthen friendships, teach etiquette and cooperation.

Challenges and ways to overcome them

One of the main challenges in providing healthy school meals is budget constraints. Many schools face insufficient funding, which makes it difficult to provide quality and fresh food. One solution may be to attract additional resources through government support programs, partnerships with local farmers, and organization of school gardens. Another challenge is resistance to change from children who are used to unhealthy foods. To overcome this, it is necessary to gradually replace unhealthy products with healthy alternatives and actively involve children in the process of choosing food.


School meals play a key role in the physical, mental and social development of children. Providing them with a healthy, balanced diet contributes to their overall health, improves academic performance and builds healthy habits for life. It is important that all stakeholders—schools, parents, and the state—work together to create conditions that promote healthy eating for children.

Yaroslav Solomenko, pediatrician


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