Johari window

10.10.2024 Johari Window is a technique that helps improve self-knowledge and interaction with other people, based on understanding how a person perceives himself and how others see him. This tool was developed by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, and its essence lies in dividing information about a person into four quadrants that represent different …

Iryna Omelchenko

Iryna Omelchenko Psychologist I work with the following requests: -Adaptation during emigration-Stress-Anxiety states-Depressive states-Self-esteem and self-worth-Self-doubt-Self-realization-Emotional regulation-Fatigue-Procrastination-Frustration-Relationships (with yourself, in a couple, with others)-Solitude-Life crises of various origins-Loss of the meaning of life Expirience: From October 2023 I provide psychological consultations online  March-Maj 2024 Od Junija 2024 worked as a volunteer psychologist in the “Telephone …

Atherosclerosis: risks, detection, and prevention

8.10.2024 Atherosclerosis is a disease in which fatty deposits, primarily cholesterol, accumulate in thewalls of arteries, leading to narrowing or even complete blockage of the arteries. This canresult in serious health issues such as heart attack, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease. Atherosclerosis is responsible for 85% of all deaths due to cardiovascular diseases. Why is …

Viktor Antonenkov

Viktor Antonenkov Doctor-psychiatrist, narcologist, psychotherapist Work experience: 1989- 2022 • Kryvyi Rih Specialized Psychiatric Hospital, psychiatrist • Kherson Regional Psychiatric Hospital, psychiatrist • Kherson regional narcological dispensary, narcologist, head of the dispensary department • Kyiv Central City Psychoneurological Dispensary, Deputy Chief Medical Officer • Kyiv City Clinical Narcology Hospital “Sociotherapiya”, narcologist of the ZPT office …

Akupunkture as a medical method

8.10.2024 Acupuncture is an ancient treatment method that originated in traditional Chinese medicine. The basis of acupuncture is the stimulation of specific points on the human body using thin needles. These points are believed to be connected to energy channels (meridians) through which life energy, known as “qi,” flows . The goal of acupuncture is to …

Open day in AKZ

28.09.2024 Slovenian-Ukrainian Association “Academy of Complementary Treatment” On Saturday, October 28, the AKZ team held the first “Open Day” campaign.Our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the presentation of AKZ’s friendship and professional services, as well as the presentation and demonstration of modern, unique in Slovenia:– method of biowave diagnostics– method of biosuggestive …

Our partners

15.09.2024 Сivil organization “Association of Responsible Citizens”, Ukraine Civil organization “AKZ  Academy of Complementary Health”, Slovenia Dear friends! Сivil organization “Association of Responsible Citizens”, in Civil organization “AKZ  Academy of Complementary Health”, Slovenia signed a cooperation agreement The main purpose of cooperation: – assistance to Ukrainians who suffered from military aggression, – organization of complex …


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