A teenager’s self-esteem is unstable: he is inclined to consider himself either a genius or a nonentity. Any little thing can radically change a teenager’s attitude towards himself. If he is forced to admit that something is wrong, his opinion of himself falls on all counts, however, such a contradictory self-esteem is necessary in order to develop new, adult criteria for personal development.

The self-esteem of teenagers is contradictory, not holistic enough, so many unmotivated actions can arise in their behavior. Teenagers suffer more than other age groups from the instability of the social, economic and moral situation in the country, having lost the necessary orientation in values and ideals today – the old ones are destroyed, new ones have not yet been created.

Features are manifested in a dismissive attitude towards learning, poor academic sucsess, bravado,

 failure to fulfill duties: avoiding performing any duties and errands around the house, doing homework, or even attending classes. Adults sometimes do not notice or do not understand such uneven behavior; they are equally discouraged by both excessive excitement and inexplicable fatigue.

Such teenagers find themselves faced with a large amount of “extra time”, but they are characterized by an inability to spend their leisure time meaningfully. Most have no hobbies, they do not participate in clubs and groups, do not attend exhibitions and theaters. Unfortunately, in their free time, antisocial behavior of teenagers is predominantly manifested (prostitution, drug addiction, toxicomania, etc.)

Time spent meaninglessly pushes teenagers to search for new “thrills”. Alcoholism and drug addiction are closely intertwined with the structure of the deviant lifestyle of teenagers. Very often teenagers celebrate their “merits”: successful adventures, hooliganism, fights, petty thefts by drinking alcohol. It turns out that one of the available types of entertainment for teenagers is fighting. Thus, teenagers admit that they fight because they have nothing to do, nowhere to put their energy, life is boring.

Later, explaining their actions, teenagers have a wrong idea of morality, justice, courage and bravery.

Throughout the teenage period, there is a clearly expressed dynamic of aggression. Forms of aggressive behavior are typical for most teenagers.

One of the elements of the microenvironment, in the relationships that form the personality, is the family. At the same time, the decisive factor is not its composition – complete, incomplete, broken, but the moral atmosphere, the relationships that develop between adult family members, between adults and children. In joint activities, not only the parents discover the character of their son or daughter, but children also get to know their parents better. A teenager needs joint activities with adults.

Unfortunately, in our time the number of dysfunctional families is growing, in which there is complete neglect, lack of control over behavior on the part of parents, indifference to the fate of the teenager, from which children with behavioral deviations appear.

But even in seemingly prosperous families, many psychological problems can be identified that lead to adolescence crisis.

We can identify 4 dysfunctional situations in the family:
Overprotection of varying degrees: from the desire to be an accomplice in all manifestations of the inner life of children to family tyranny.
Hypoprotection often turning into neglect.
A situation that creates a “family idol” – constant attention to any impulse of the child and immoderate praise for very modest successes.
A situation that creates “Cinderellas” in the family. Many families have appeared where parents pay a lot of attention to themselves and little to the children.
To be continued…



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