Viktoria Filippenko teacher-defectologist Services: Correctional and developmental classes: ~stimulation of speech, mental and psycho-speech development;~work on improving memory and voluntary attention; ~development of perception and imagination; ~formation of correct active language, expansion of vocabulary;~work on the features of the emotional-volitional sphere; ~creation of conditions for the child’s adaptation in society, planning special approaches to learning;~assistance …
Author Archives: adminakz
Gynecologist’s recommendations
13.01.2025 Gynecologist’s recommendations A woman’s health depends on many factors, among which intimate hygiene and proper nutrition play an important role. These two components have a direct impact on well-being, energy, hormonal balance and the general condition of the body. Intimate hygiene: the importance of proper care Intimate hygiene plays an important role in maintaining …
Meeting with a neurologist
12.01.2025 AKZ specialists start their activities in the new year The first to respond to the invitation of our partners Slovenian Philanthropy was Natalia Yuvchenko, an experienced neurologist. On 10.01.2025, a meeting of Ukrainians with a doctor took place in the Ljubljana branch of Slovenian Philanthropy. They talked about changes in health conditions associated with …
Psychologist’s recommendations for the new year
11.03.2024 The team of the Society “Academy of Complementary Health” sincerely congratulates all readers on the holidays and wishes them a healthy, successful and peaceful 2025! Psychological balance will help restore the following skills, which we wish you to implement every day in the New Year! 🪄 The ability to say “no”Refuse a meeting if …
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Tatiana Danshyna
Tetiana Danshina Choir director, singer, composer, vocal therapist, physiotherapist. Services: – Organization and management of vocal and choral groups. – Teacher of vocal and choral disciplines – Trainings and classes in vocal therapy – Manual rehabilitation of adults and children. – Osteopathic practices. Education 2022–2023: National University of Water and Environmental EngineeringMaster’s Degree in Physical …
Svitlana Melnikova
Svitlana Melnikova Dentist Work expirience: 1996-2000 2000-2005 2005-2008 2008-2011 2001-2020 2020-2022 – Medical Clinic “Medek”, Kyiv, general dentist – Dental Clinic “Trishiro”, Kyiv, general dentist – Dental Clinic “Nazarenko”, Kyiv, general dentist and specialist in dental prosthetics – Dental Clinic “Rodentplus”, Kyiv, general dentist and specialist in dental prosthetics – Dental Clinic “Exiline”, …
Dariia Puhach
Dariia Puhach Children’s psychologist, social worker, creator Services: -Working with children of all ages -Trainings for children Origami master classes Art therapy master classes Fruit and vegetable carving master classes Work experience: 2005 – 2012 2012-2015 Psychologist in a kindergarten, Kyiv Social worker at the Center for Social Work, Kyiv 2022 – 2023 Volunteer psychologist …
Tetiana Hryb
Tetiana Hryb Social worker, organizer Strokovno znanje: ● strokovnjak za delo z ljudmi● specialist za delo z ranljivimi skupinamiprebivalstvo● uspešno vodenje strukturne enotekomunalni zavod● uspešne izkušnje pri gradnji in izvajanju strategijedelo strukturne enote komunalnega zavoda● raziskovalec med potrebami sedanjosti in normativno dediščino preteklosti. Delovne izkušnje: 2010 – 2012 2012-2013 Work experience: – …
The pain of the soul
11.12.2024 “Soultache”, “mental anguish” – a painful feeling of internal tension, accompanied by longing and a feeling of heaviness (or pressure) in the chest, in the heart area. The feeling that “the soul hurts” is familiar to almost every person who has experienced the bitterness of losing something important. The severity of suffering and the …
European Forum of the Ukrainian Diaspora “Novy Sad 2024”
14.12.2024 European Forum of the Ukrainian Diaspora “Novy Sad 2024”EFUD (European Forum of the Ukrainian Diaspora), which was attended by members of “AKZ” and “Razom” was held on Saturday, December 14, 2024 in a hybrid format (online and offline). The following program was followed: 11:00 – 11:15 Opening of the Forum Myroslav Hochak, Vice President …
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