
Working with teenagers during war

Working with teenagers during war: How not to go crazy when all around is chaos?

Oh, just look at these restless, emotional, unrestrained teenagers! It would seem that in peacetime, working with them is a real test for any adult. And what can we say about wartime, when the whole world turned upside down? But also these restless, rebellious souls who cannot understand what is happening. Hello, psychologist!

But don’t worry, I’m here to share some tried-and-true life hacks on how to not go crazy working with teenagers during a war. Are you ready? Then let’s go!

First, forget about the word “authority”. It doesn’t work at all during wartime. Instead, become their older friend, their mentor, their confidant. Be prepared to listen to their fears, anxieties, and sometimes tantrums. Don’t judge, don’t read notes, just be there.

Second, don’t forget about humor. No, I’m not saying that you should turn into a clown and make jokes all the time. But a well-timed joke or funny story can be a real lifesaver for these emotionally vulnerable souls. The main thing is not to overdo it and not turn into “Uncle Lyosh with jokes.”

And, of course, don’t forget about creativity! Drawing, music, dancing – everything that will help them distract from the horrors of war. Organize workshops, groups, joint projects. Let them express their emotions on the canvas or in dance movements.

And last but not least, don’t forget to rest and recharge yourself. War exhausts everyone, and you also need to “recharge” from time to time. Otherwise, you will simply burn out and not be able to help these difficult teenagers.

That’s it, my friends. A little humor, creativity, empathy and the ability to “reboot” – and you will definitely cope with this difficult task. I wish you patience, strength and, of course, victory!

Childrens psiholog Olha Kiričenko

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