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My name is Tatjana Globa. I am a professional rehabilitation therapist, nutritionist and numerologist.
According to the World Health Organisation, one in three people in the world suffers from some kind of malnutrition: calorie or nutrient deficiency, underweight or overweight.

Malnutrition causes many health problems: stunted growth, underweight, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer.

The World Health Organisation estimates that around 1.9 billion adults worldwide are overweight and 462 million are underweight. At the same time, 41 million children under 5 are overweight or obese, 159 million children are stunted
and 50 million are underweight. 29% of women (528 million) of reproductive age suffer from anaemia. Half of these problems can be solved through optimal nutrition.

Nutrition science (Latin nutritio – nutrition, ancient Greek λόγος – doctrine) is the science of food and nutrition, of food products, nutrients and other components contained in these products, of their action and interaction, of their
consumption, assimilation, use by the body and excretion from the body, of the role of nutrition in maintaining health or treating diseases.

It is a science at the intersection of dietetics, biochemistry, pharmacognosy and food hygiene. It studies the principles of how a person eats and how this specifically affects processes in the body. How proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.
interact, are consumed and excreted, and how this finally affects and changes the quality of human life.

Many years of practice, experience, positive results and a constant search for innovative approaches allow me to build individual comprehensive, effective assistance programmes for children and adults.
I try to live in accordance with the Laws of the Universe, I love astrology and numerology. I enjoy my work, which helps me to fulfil my important mission of healing people and improving their quality of life.
Together with my husband, we registered the Life Without Medicines Society many years ago. For more than 15 years, our family has been chemical-free, even during epidemics.

 Our unchanged morning ritual is a glass of warm water
with Chlorophyll plus morning health exercises plus gratitude meditation.
I wish all of us good luck and success in realising our wonderful plans.

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