Society “Akademija complementary health”

Society “Genofond naciji”

Institute for integrative art therapy

The Toy Therapy Room Project was proposed by Genofond Naciji and the Institute for Integrative Art Therapy to reduce the traumatic experiences of children and people of other age groups affected by the military invasion, using puppet and play therapy methods.
The official start of the project took place on September 1, 2022.
To date, 129 rooms have been created throughout Ukraine and abroad. The therapeutic toy room is finally open in Slovenia too!

What is a toy therapy room?
It is a place of living and interaction in which:
• will give the child the opportunity to express his feelings
• will teach you how to independently solve internal conflicts and problems through the relief of the game
• will create an atmosphere that will reflect all the child’s feelings and help him take responsibility for his actions
• creates a feeling of security and freedom

Purpose of the project:
• provision of psychological support to citizens of Ukraine and traumatized residents of Slovenia
• implementation of systematic psychological assistance in new living conditions
• development of a complex system and art therapy work with psycho-emotional states in the “war-child” system with the help of a therapeutic playground

For whom? FOR:
• children and adults who were victims of military aggression
• migrants and refugees from other countries

• people who have a traumatic life experience

The work in the rooms is carried out using the methods of integrative art therapy and play therapy, which are aimed at:
• restoration of the integrity of the emotional, behavioral, cognitive, physiological level of the child’s functioning and emotional state.
• maintaining health and facilitating human adaptation in wartime and new living conditions.

A mobile therapy room with toys is also available upon request

Deadline: from 15.08.2024, permanently

Adress: Smrečnikova st. 60,

8000 Novo mesto, Karitas

I cordially invite you to visit the Toy Therapy Room!

Rymma Štubler, doctor-psychotherapist, psychologist

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