Slovenian-Ukrainian Association “Academy of Complementary Treatment”

On Saturday, October 28, the AKZ team held the first “Open Day” campaign.
Our guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the presentation of AKZ’s friendship and professional services, as well as the presentation and demonstration of modern, unique in Slovenia:
– method of biowave diagnostics
– method of biosuggestive therapy for the treatment of psychosomatic disorders.
Everyone could meet and talk with specialized experts, make arrangements for further support.
There was special interest in corrective pain relief methods: acupuncture, instrumental massage, kinesiotherapy and psychotherapy.

It was nice that our Slovenian and Ukrainian guests highly appreciated the professionalism and work style of the doctors and psychologists.
In turn, the AKZ team is sincerely grateful to the guests who managed to come, despite the busyness and weather conditions.
We are guided by the motto: “Our knowledge and experience are for your health!

Addition information:


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