IX Annual Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation “On the Border of Psychiatry and Neurology: Comorbidity of Mental and Neurological Disorders. Issues of Diagnosis and Therapy”

03.12.2024 Conference program issuesPrevention and intervention in psychiatry and neurology;Mental and neurological diseases and their therapy;Psychosocial interventions and therapy for suicidal behavior;Coordination of assistance to children at the community level and specialized services;Disorders caused by stress and trauma;Neurodevelopmental disorders and other topical issues of medicine.Taking into account these issues, the program of meetings will be …

Рsychological support group for younger teenagers

9.09.2024 Dear parents! We are opening registration for a psychological support group for younger teenagers (11-14 years old) The main goal of the project: advance support for Ukrainian teenagers who were forced to leave their homes and move to Slovenia, organization of complex psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and social support. Adolescence is an important …

Toy therapy room already in Slovenia!

20.08.2024 Society “Akademija complementary health” Society “Genofond naciji” Institute for integrative art therapy The Toy Therapy Room Project was proposed by Genofond Naciji and the Institute for Integrative Art Therapy to reduce the traumatic experiences of children and people of other age groups affected by the military invasion, using puppet and play therapy methods.The official …


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