How to maintain your identity and individuality in a new society: advice from a psychologist

Changing your country of residence is always stressful and challenging.

We leave behind our usual life, familiar places, and people who know and understand us.

In a new place, it often seems that we have to adapt, change something about ourselves to be “like everyone else,” to more easily fit into a new society. But it’s important to remember: maintaining your own identity and individuality is the key to stability and inner peace. How to do this?

Here are some tips:

1. Understand that identity is your internal resource Identity is your values, beliefs, experiences, and traditions. It’s what shaped you as a person and what you brought with you to a new place. It’s an internal resource that you can rely on. Don’t lose this connection with your essence. Let who you are be your anchor that keeps you going through the storm of change.

2. Define your values ​​When we are faced with a new environment where different norms and values ​​are accepted, it is important to have your own guidelines. Take the time to write down or formulate for yourself what is important to you. These can be family traditions, religious beliefs, language, or your cultural heritage. Preserving these values ​​will help you not to get lost in the new conditions and stay true to yourself.

3. Develop self-acceptance People often feel the need to adapt to a new society in order to gain approval or avoid isolation. But it is important to remember that everyone has the right to be themselves. Accept yourself with your unique features, remember your life path that distinguishes you from others. After all, each of us is a part of the diversity of this world.

4. Communicate with like-minded people Find people who share your values ​​or come from your home region. These can be immigrant communities, cultural centers, interest groups, or even the Internet. Talking to people who understand your experiences will help you feel less alone and will also help you stay connected to your country’s culture and traditions.

5. Learn a new culture, but stay true to yourself Integrating into a new society doesn’t necessarily mean you have to give up your individuality. You can learn the language, traditions, and customs of the country, but that doesn’t mean you have to forget your roots. On the contrary, you can combine what is close to you with new experiences, creating a unique picture of your life.

6. Remember the meaning of your history Each of us has our own life path, consisting of personal experiences, emotions, and moments that shaped us. Don’t forget your experiences, be proud of what you have already experienced and who you are today. This will not only strengthen your self-esteem, but also become a resource for further development and adaptation.

7. Seek professional help when needed. Sometimes it can be difficult to maintain your individuality in a new society, especially if you feel inner conflict or pressure. A professional can help you find a balance between adapting and maintaining your own identity, and support you in building new connections and skills.

Remember: you are a unique individual who makes the world diverse and rich. Strength and resilience lie in remaining yourself, even when everything around you is changing.

Psyhologist, psyhotherapevt Iryna Rikina

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