AKZ – akademija komplementarnega zdravljenja

Good day, dear friends and colleagues!

We are starting an open dialogue on the pages of our website with
by our clients and subscribers on the topic “Navigation of health – are we able to change our thoughts, our bodies, and therefore our lives for the better on our own?!”
Objects that directly affect our body, psyche and nervous system have acquired special importance in our time.

Such objects include, for example, medicine, alcohol and drugs, money and power. They are material entities capable of directly satisfying our needs.

Information itself proudly stands at the top of the pyramid of such universal “satisfiers”.
We live with you in the information age, and we cannot imagine our life without modern information technologies and devices that make life easier for us.

In our opinion, the most influential players of the near future will be those who will be able to create technologies, methods, complexes, devices and provide services in the field of protecting people from information invasion, who will be able to really help people navigate new living conditions, and prove the effectiveness of innovative health technologies without drugs.

Ashley Montague said: “The main idea is to die young as late as possible.”

Unfortunately, so far, few people have succeeded…

The last century was characterized by the complete dependence of man on classical medicine. The age-old monopoly of medical science and practice has created an information vacuum regarding the state of health, firmly entrenched the opinion that only the doctor has the right to access the picture of the disease and treatment.
It is this monopoly that currently protects doctors from numerous mistakes and criticism regarding the methods of intervention in the state of health chosen by them, leads to a decrease in the quality and efficiency of preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitation and health services.

It has been known since ancient times that ignorance is the most dangerous of all diseases. There are no recipes for how to live your whole life correctly. Any means and methods of treatment and recovery are not a panacea, they do not have a full guarantee for improving the state of human health.
Confucius said: “You can curse the darkness all your life, or you can light a small candle.”

We plan to inform you about the results of our scientific research and practical recommendations that will help you create an individual model of a quality life without pain and medication. We intend to do this regularly on our website, Instagram, Facebook pages, online trainings and live webinars.

We sincerely thank you for supporting our publications and our views!

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