Social networks and mental health

The topic of the influence of social networks on the mental health of young people is very relevant, especially in today’s digital world, where young people spend a large part of their time online. Here are some key aspects of this topic:

Psychological consequences:

Self-esteem: Constant comparison with idealized images of others in social networks can lead to low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with oneself. This arises because young people may feel that their lives are less successful or exciting compared to what they see in the profiles of their peers.

Anxiety: Uploading new posts and tracking interactions (likes, comments) can create a state of constant tension and anticipation, which increases anxiety.

Depression: There are studies that show a correlation between time spent on social media,
and increased levels of depression, especially when social media is used as a primary mode of social interaction.

Psychosocial aspects:

Virtual communication cannot replace real communication. A decrease in face-to-face social contact and an increased use of virtual interactions can distort real-world communication skills and contribute to feelings of isolation.

A symptom of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is formed: the constant desire to be online so as not to miss any event or news can lead to overwork, stress and even social isolation.

Possible solution strategies:

Social Media Time Limits: Set specific hours for viewing and participating in social media.

Conscious use: Facilitating more meaningful
and purposeful use of social networks, for example, to study or support a hobby.

Education and enlightenment: Work with psychologists
and teachers to teach young people to understand that
how social media affects their emotional well-being.

This topic opens up a wide field for further research and discussion, as the psychological impact of social networks on youth remains profound and multifaceted.


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