Possibilities of оsteopathy in the treatment of patients from birth to old age

On April 6, a lecture by doctor-osteopath Serhii Granenko on the topic “Possibilities of Osteopathy in the treatment of patients from birth to old age” was held in the bookshop of New Place.

Seminar leader: Serhiy Granenko, orthopedic traumatologist, osteopath and teacher with over 25 years of experience. Founder and head of the Doctor Gran osteopathic medicine center, co-founder of the Society “Academy of Complementary Health” in Slovenia.

At Dr. Serhiy Granenko’s lecture, the audience was able to learn:


The lecture was attended by Slovenians of various specialties – massage therapists, healers, medical workers and people interested in a healthy lifestyle.

A great interest in science was revealed and there was a proposal to hold a series of lectures on various aspects of the science of osteopathy, cranial-sacral therapy and biodynamics

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