Маryanna Kalashnyk

Guide and author of tours, organizer of children’s camps,
photography, Zumba instructor, ski instructor


Children’s themed educational camps:
– Go to the mountains
– School of Vision
– Kayak
– Girskolizhny school
– Surfing
– Roller school

2. Organization of active author tours:
– more expensive than Slovenia, Europe, the world
– marches of different levels of foldability,
– photo tour,
– kayaking and sup boarding,
– mountain ski tours,
– fitness, yoga tours

3. Photography and videography
– individual, family, cheerful
– for business
– for social media

Zumba Fitness instructor
– Conducting group exercises
– Fitness tours

Work expirience:

 2022 till now







2019 till now

2017 till now

Head of the travelers’ club “Smart Travel – travel with meaning”, organizer of children’s thematic camps

Children’s thematic camps (hiking, ski school, survival school, equestrian, archaeological, windsurfing school, kayaking, etc.);
Children’s developmental activities (chess classes, creative studio, roller skating school, survival school, family leisure club);
Active trips and events for adults and children (hiking to the mountains of the world, local history tours, active tourism, water tourism, survival school, ski school).

Zumba Fitness instructor, CIRCL Mobility™ instructor

Group and individual training with Zumba and CIRCL Mobility™

Ski instructor, organizer of ski tours

Group and individual training;
Instructor for children;
Organization of ski tours “Outbound ski school”.
Photographer, videographer



Manager, Art director. “KlashGraphics” design studio

Art director;
Web designer, graphic designer.


1995- 2000






Kharkiv National Economic University, Information Technologies in Management, Specialist Diploma

Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Candidate of Economic Sciences,

Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Faculty of Film and Television Studies, Bachelor



Courses for skiing instructors, Association of Skiing and Snowboarding Instructors of Ukraine

Zumba instructor courses, Zumba Fitness, LLC


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