Svitlana Granenko

Pediatrician, otorhinolaryngologist, certified homeopath, member of the Academy of Classical Homeopathy, prof. George Vitoulkas (Greece)

“In my work, I am guided by the principles of classical homeopathy, following an individual approach, that is, prescribing only one medicine in a specific period. Having once set foot on the path of studying homeopathy, absorbed by its depth and beauty, which comes from the endless variety of living and non-living nature, I never cease to be inspired by this treasury of knowledge and experience.

Homeopathy is a holistic medicine that treats not the disease or the diagnosis, but the person on all three levels – mental, emotional and physical.

My services:



Perm Medical Academy named after Wagner by specialty Pediatrician


She finished her internship in Pediatrics


She received a specialization in otolaryngology at Odesa Medical University named after Pirogov


Graduated from the 4-year classical academy of George Vitoulkas (Greece). The Greek school of homeopathy is rightfully considered one of the best in the world


She graduated from primary specialization in homeopathy in Odesa

Indications for referral to a homeopath:



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