Olga Kyrychenko

Active member of the Association Against Violence Slovenia.
Active member of the National Association of Gestalt Therapists of Ukraine.

Member of the Ukrainian Association of Specialists in Overcoming the Consequences of Traumatic Events (Psychological Crisis Service)


2005 – now

Practicing psychologist, supervisor, trainer
private psychological practice

Conducting therapeutic groups

Conducting basic groups 1-2 degrees of training in Gestalt therapy

Participation in the organizing committee of the Kharkiv International Gestalt Conference 
Conducting supervision groups for practicing Gestalt therapists

Co-founder of the psychological and pedagogical development space “RULET”

1993 – 2005

Kharkiv private educational complex “OCHAG Gymnasium”


2017 – 2019

Rivne Institute of Higher Education “Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine”. Specialty “Psychology”, professional qualification “Master of Psychology”


Educational program of the 1st degree “Introduction to Gestalt therapy, Gestalt counseling”, MIGTP

2003 – 2007

Educational professional program of the 2nd degree of study “Gestalt therapy, Gestalt counseling”, MIGTP

2008 – 2012

Improvement in Gestalt therapy, 3rd degree (coaching-supervisor), VSPPPGP according to the program of the Moscow State University of Medical Sciences

1989 – 1993

Kharkiv State Pedagogical Institute. Specialty – mathematics, qualification – teacher of mathematics, informatics and computer technology

Volunteer experience:

Autumn 2022 –
for now

Volunteer work with refugees in Slovenian Philanthropy

2022 – 2023

Volunteering at the Red Cross Mental Health Helpline and ensuring that the helpline is running properly on an ongoing basis

2014 – 2016

Volunteer work in the Kharkiv hospital, crisis psychological assistance to wounded soldiers. Conducting lectures and practical classes in higher military educational institutions of Ukraine for cadets, course officers and mobilized officers

Additional education:


Introductory training for volunteers who will visit the children of the orphanage in Slavyn


Educational project on Gestalt coaching according to EAGT GPO standards “Co-Creation. Professional level”


Participation in the Conference for Gestalt therapy specialists in Wroclaw (Poland) – Children and their parents: conversations under time of war


Participation in the International Conference of Gestalt Therapy Specialists in Kharkiv (Ukraine) – Techniques of individual work in Gestalt therapy and supervision of therapeutic practice

2014 – 2016

“Working with trauma and PTSD”, Ukrainian Association of Specialists in Overcoming the Consequences of Psychotraumatic Events


“Techniques of physical therapy for stabilization in the aftermath of traumatization”


“Acquaintance with modern techniques of physical trauma therapy”

I am working with the following requests:



Thanks to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Psychological Crisis Service of Ukraine – for participating in comprehensive practical training on psychological first aid in higher military educational institutions of Ukraine for cadets, course officers and mobilized officers


Certificate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for participation in measures to provide psychological assistance to servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


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