Maryna Tolmacheva

Active member of the Association Against Violence Slovenia.
Active member of the Ukrainian and European Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy


2022 – 2024

Faculty of Advanced Social Studies. FUDS. Slovenia (psychosocial counseling. Master of CBT)

2021 – 2022

Faculty of Advanced Social Studies. FUDS. Slovenia (psychosocial counseling bachelor)

2019 – 2021

Gestalt therapy 1 st – cycle (180 hrs EAGT Certificate) 2nd cycle.

2005 – 2010

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinskyi.

Qualification: specialist in pedagogy and methods of secondary education. Foreign languages and foreign literature

Training courses:

Conferences: 2023-2024

I work with such requests as:

Social and volunteer projects of 2023-2024:


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