Ukrainian-Slovenian Society AKZ (Academy of Complementary Health)

In the start od August, AKZ activists were invited to a meeting in the office of the President of Slovenia. We were met by the Advisor to the President of Slovenia on Human Security Tatjana Bobnar, a Slovenian lawyer and statesman. In the past, she was the Minister of the Interior of Slovenia and the Director General of the Slovenian Police (2018-2020).
The meeting took place in a friendly, constructive atmosphere.

We thanked the Slovenian people and the country’s leadership for supporting the people of Ukraine in the war with the aggressor country Russia. We expressed enormous gratitude for the reception and material and social assistance to Ukrainians forced to abandon their homes and move to peaceful Slovenia.

We discussed issues of forced migration of Ukrainians, the situation and needs of Ukrainians in Slovenia, and emphasized current social challenges: medical, psychological, pedagogical, integration, and social aspects.
They told about the existence, direction and active work of Ukrainian free organizations: “Razom”, AKZ, “Rukavichka”
They told about the beginning of the work of the AKZ organization, aimed at providing medical-psycho-social and pedagogical assistance in the plane “Ukrainian-to-Ukrainian”, the opening of the first office of live reception in Novo mesto, they told about what has been done and what is planned.
The Secretary was pleasantly surprised by the activity of the Ukrainians, praised them for their help and promised active support of social initiatives aimed at helping Ukrainians staying in Slovenia.

We hope for further fruitful cooperation with the Slovenian government.

In the meantime, we kindly invite you to meet in the following cities:

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