Oleksandr Globa

Doctor of Science, professor, consultant, coach, rehabilitator, occupational therapist, master of sports

General information:

33 years of teaching experience, 30 years of scientific experience, 10 years of public service.

Author of the health program “Life Without Medicines”. Has more than 100 published scientific works in the field of health knowledge, information medicine, complementary rehabilitation, correctional pedagogy and special psychology.

In practice, he uses the author’s unique technology of preclinical assessment and correction of the psychophysical condition of children and adults with the help of innovative programs and special devices.

Research and development of innovative methods for continuous health monitoring, preclinical assessment of quality of life, timely correction of psychophysical condition


2013 – now

Head of the public organization “Life without drugs”. Kyiv

2019 – now

Head of the educational institution “Ukrainian resource center for educational innovations”. Kyiv

2021 – 2023

Professor of the department of speech therapy and special methods.

2021 – now

Professor at the Department of Biosafety and Human Health of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky

2011 – 2021

Professor of the Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, at the Department of Orthopedagogy, Orthopsychology and rehabilitation studies of the faculty of specialized and inclusive education

2008 – 2011

Vice-rector of the Financial and Legal Academy of the Police

2007 – 2008

Vice Chancellor of the University of Modern Knowledge

2007 – 2010

Doctoral student of Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University


Deputy head of work rehabilitation of the Kyiv city center for physical culture and sports of the disabled “Invasport”

2005 – 2007

Head of the Luhansk Regional Youth Administration
and sports

2001 – 2005

Head of the department of Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University

1997 – 2001

Head of the Department of the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports

1983 – 1984

Director of the children’s and youth sports school of soccer “Spartak”

1989 – 1996

Head of the department for youth affairs, physical culture and sports of the executive committee of the Slavic city council of the Donetsk region


1979 – 1983

Voroshilovgrad State Pedagogical Institute named after Taras Shevchenko. Faculty – physical culture


He defended his dissertation on the problem of psychophysical rehabilitation of the disabled with diseases of the spinal cord (Institute of Defectology of the APN of the USSR, Moscow)


Defended the thesis – “Socialization of people with limited opportunities of the musculoskeletal system in the conditions of regional rehabilitation”


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