Ivanushets Moitsa


Secretary of governing bodies, legal advisor, head of general service:

Correspondence, preparation of materials, protocols, documentation for meetings of committees and working bodies of the company, communication with employees, conducting meetings. Monitoring of labor and social legislation, preparation of internal company acts, consideration of disciplinary cases. Planning and organization of the service, leadership, problem solving, drawing up an internal schedule, annual work calendar, participation in drawing up plans, analyses, drawing up reports, coordinating the work of commissions.

Head of Human Resources:

Organization, delegation of tasks, control of work in personnel matters, preparation of organizational charts, reports, creation of personnel programs, office management. Analysis and systematization of work. Management of personnel procedures (vacancy announcements, interviews with candidates, participation in layoff programs, contract termination procedures), maintaining personnel databases, records in accordance with the law and according to the needs of the company. Annual and individual planning of training in accordance with the needs of society and personalities, organization of internal training of employees. Preparation of documentation for registration of incapacity for work, representation of the employer on commissions, preparation of decisions on the transfer of employees subject to restrictions.

Vocational rehabilitation consulting work in a disability enterprise

Observation of the work of disabled people, employees with health restrictions at work and elderly employees, analysis and control of long leave due to illness, employees’ work capacity, participation in disability procedures, search for appropriate employment solutions, adjustment of jobs, consulting on the distribution of disabled people to suitable workplaces, planning of professional rehabilitation, motivation of people with disabilities to work successfully, if necessary, training of heads of work units with the disabled, accounting for purchased funds and spending them only in accordance with legislation.

Secretary of the company:

Implementation of measures aimed at leveling the conditions of children’s development, participation in the preparation of quality leisure programs for children, teenagers and families, children’s animation, assistance in the implementation of humanitarian activities and actions of the DPM Metlika association, implementation of various programs, promoting the interests and needs of children and protecting their rights.

Head of Intergenerational Center HSD Metlika:

Organization and holding of intergenerational events and master classes for children
and adults, work with users, vulnerable groups, cooperation in the promotion of the VGC project and Slovenian Philanthropy projects, work with volunteers. Cooperation with the local community and other stakeholders. Mentoring of volunteers. During the coronavirus, a year’s work as a coordinator on a successful PO-MOČ project aimed at
on preventing difficulties of vulnerable groups (with an emphasis on those over 65 and children from single-parent families with problems) in learning the educational material.

Communication: Acquired through project organization and internal training, customer service, positive approach, conflict management, team orientation and teamwork.

Organizational: delegating tasks and setting goals, ordering, planning individual and joint activities, independence, reliability, responsibility, coordination and control of work.

Personal qualities: I have a positive attitude towards work, people and changes. I am independent, organized, self-confident, communicative, like to be creative, empathetic, able to adapt and motivate. environment

Achievements: created a modern systematization of workplaces with job instructions,
which are intertwined and allow flexible organization of work, participated in the preparation of research for the creation of a disabled company, during the crown through the project in Bela Kraina, the creation of more than 52 pairs of volunteers for individual communication and help in educational work as a prevention of personal difficulties and loneliness


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